27 Comfort Shows To Watch While Self-Isolating
Huff PostDisney The cast of "The Golden Girls" Due to the coronavirus, multiple cities have already entered lockdown. Every night since then, we’ve watched one or two “30 Rock” episodes ― it’s as funny and relevant as ever, and can’t be beat in terms of jokes per minute. ― Elise Foley, deputy enterprise editor “The World at War” OK, I realize this is going to make me sound like someone’s lame boomer dad but the one show I have repeatedly watched over the years is the 1970s docuseries “The World at War.” Narrated by Laurence Olivier, the 26-episode series tells the story of World War II through eyewitness testimonials and extensive black-and-white footage, and was, at the time it was produced, the most expensive TV series ever made in Britain. — Ron Nurwisah, senior audience editor An errant movie recommendation I’ll allow due to these wild times: “Lord of the Rings” This is a cheat, because I don’t really watch TV. — Kate Sheppard, senior enterprise editor I’ve been binging “Pitch Meetings,” a YouTube show with six-minute episodes in which comedian Ryan George imagines what pitch meetings might have been like for more than 100 movies and shows.