How many people are taking reusable bags to the grocery store? Not many. We counted
1 year, 4 months ago

How many people are taking reusable bags to the grocery store? Not many. We counted

LA Times  

I always take my reusable bags to the grocery store. In 11% of transactions, a customer purchased one of the new thicker plastic reusable bags; 3% purchased a recycled paper bag. I don’t doubt there was a flurry of compliance in the immediate wake of the law, especially since every grocery store had signs reminding us to bring our bags, plentiful reusables — the plastic ones and also variations in cloth and woven plastic — for sale, and cashiers asking us loud and clear if we brought a bag or would like to pay for new ones. I counted 337 customers coming out of a Target in Culver City: 146 had all new plastic bags; only 25 had brought reusable bags. Of 177 customers at a Ralph’s in Culver City, 70 had all-new plastic bags while 43 had brought reusable bags with them.

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