For some Edison users, rates will be more costly than advertised
LA TimesA Southern California Edison worker fixes power lines damaged by June’s Sheep fire in Wrightwood. As electricity bills rise with the temperature, some Southern California Edison customers are getting an extra jolt starting this month — and it’s one they didn’t see coming. “People have a right to be upset when they’re told one thing and it turns out to be something else.” Gales said that Edison contacted all customers who’d switched to more expensive plans after the mailing — only 114 had made changes — and “added additional proofing steps with the print agency.” The mailing mistake comes at a time when many people are likely to see higher power bills as they try to stay cool during warmer summer months by cranking up their air conditioning. Most people won’t see rate jumps as high as the Santa Monica customer, Gales said, and the majority are projected to benefit under the new plan. Although Gales noted that Edison sends customers emails with tips on reducing energy usage under time-of-use plans, advocates pointed out that the utility doesn’t provide estimates of what people’s electric bills would look like if they shifted their usage to different times — which is supposed to be the whole point of time-of-use plans.