Working From Home Is A Better Deal For Husbands Than Wives, Study Shows
1 year, 11 months ago

Working From Home Is A Better Deal For Husbands Than Wives, Study Shows

Huff Post  

LOADING ERROR LOADING A new study suggests that when it comes to working from home, women in dual-income homes may get a raw deal. “In other words, wives’ working from home reduced husbands’ family task workload, but not the other way around.” The couples in each survey completed two surveys at the end of the night for 14 consecutive workdays. In other words, wives’ working from home reduced husbands’ family task workload, but not the other way around. “These findings suggest husbands can provide more resources and support for their wives to complete remote work tasks when they have flexibility in scheduling their work time and procedure,” said Jasmine Hu, lead author of the study and professor of management at The Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business. Justin Paget via Getty Images “These findings suggest husbands can provide more resources and support for their wives to complete remote work tasks when they have flexibility in scheduling their work time and procedure,” said Jasmine Hu, the study's lead author.

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