Trump missed call on Ukraine aid to play golf on day whistleblower complaint was filed: report
SalonPresident Donald Trump missed a conference call with top officials about his order to freeze military aid to Ukraine to play golf with professional player John Daly on the same day that the whistleblower complaint which triggered his impeachment was filed. Trump aide Robert Blair warned acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to “expect Congress to become unhinged” if the administration blocked aid appropriated by lawmakers. As Trump resisted pleas from his own Cabinet officials, lawyers at the Office of Management and Budget reportedly hatched a previously unreported argument that Trump's role as commander in chief of the armed forces “would simply allow him to override Congress on the issue.” While White House lawyers attempted to come up with a legal justification for the move, Trump continued to communicate with his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, who was leading a search for damaging information on former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine. “He got caught.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said The Times report shows the need for the Senate to call witnesses like Mulvaney at Trump’s impeachment trial.