What Harry and Meghan could teach Canada (opinion)
CNNEditor’s Note: Andrew Cohen is a columnist with Postmedia News, based in Toronto. Ottawa CNN — Stung by the tabloids, alienated from family and weary of royal responsibility, Harry and Meghan have come to Canada to start a new life. Some rhapsodized–like Toronto novelist Anne T. Donahue, who wrote that she felt good that the royals chose Canada in search of “a happy ending” to their “fairy tale.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, “You’re among friends, and always welcome here.” Tim Horton’s, the iconic, unexciting coffee chain, jokingly offered the couple free coffee for life. But when the New York Times tweeted that Harry and Meghan would bring “some razzle-dazzle to the sprawling, bone-chillingly cold country,” Canadians reacted coolly. The indifference around the royal couple’s plans reflects how Canadians see the monarchy, with a mix of detachment, reserve and insouciance.