More than 200 million seniors face extreme heat risks in coming decades, study finds
7 months, 1 week ago

More than 200 million seniors face extreme heat risks in coming decades, study finds


More than 200 million seniors face extreme heat risks in coming decades, study finds Enlarge this image toggle caption Fred Scheiber/AFP via Getty Images Fred Scheiber/AFP via Getty Images A person in their 40s now will be nearing 70 in the year 2050. The number of older people regularly exposed to both chronic and acute heat will grow by about 200 million people worldwide by mid-century—and slow climate action today could push that number up much higher, he says. Sponsor Message "The heat that elderly individuals are exposed to throughout the year could grow up to five-fold, on a global scale," Falchetta says—an enormous increase in number and risk. His team recently published a similar study, which found thatfurther climate change will push up the number of older people who die of climate-change-driven heat exposure each year.

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