Not Checking This WiFi Setting Is Like 'Leaving Your Front Door Open' To Hackers
Huff PostFreshSplash via Getty Images We love the internet. “You will probably not be shocked to hear that we’re the problem on this one,” Alysa Hutnik, a privacy lawyer with Kelley, Drye & Warren LLP in Washington, D.C., told us — Raj Punjabi and Noah Michelson, hosts of HuffPost’s “Am I Doing It Wrong?” podcast. “It’s usually human error in how you set it up and how you manage your Wi-Fi.” Listen to the full episode by clicking here and discover tons of tips and tricks for keeping your online privacy protected. You’re able to change those factory settings, including your password, and so setting up a really strong password and not having the default is super important.” Next, we want to ensure we’re using encrypted settings. “You can just enable that, and that’s essentially like, you’re not leaving your front door open, right?