Everything is written on Andra Day’s voice in ‘The United States vs. Billie Holiday’
LA TimesEvery time Billie Holiday laughs in “The United States vs. Billie Holiday,” it cracks the air, scratchy and ephemeral, fading just as quickly as it began. Every time the cops went after her, shot at her — everything is written onto her voice.” Andra Day photographed at Viceroy L’Ermitage Beverly Hills. She doesn’t sound like Aretha Franklin.’ But I found myself really enamored.” Andra Day is photographed at Viceroy L’Ermitage Beverly Hills. “A big part of it was just wanting to just see more Black faces and fashion pieces depicted in such a way.” Andra Day is photographed at the Viceroy L’Ermitage Beverly Hills. “I think Billie Holiday’s life was already a fight in activism, but I think portraying her as well is also a fight in activism,” Day says.