Jay Slater's best friend Lucy Law posts emotional message to 'the happiest and most smiley person' after body found near where teenager's last phone pinged
8 months ago

Jay Slater's best friend Lucy Law posts emotional message to 'the happiest and most smiley person' after body found near where teenager's last phone pinged

Daily Mail  

Jay Slater's best friend has posted an emotional message to the 'happiest and most smiley person' after a body was found near where his phone last pinged. It comes as: Jay Slater's best friend Lucy Law posted an emotional message to the 'happiest and most smiley person' after a body was found near where his phone last pinged Jay had jetted off to Tenerife for a holiday with best mates Lucy Law and Brad Hargreaves before he vanished Jay was on his first-ever friends holiday with Lucy Law and Brad Hargreaves when he went missing in Tenerife In a heart-wrenching Instagram post published last night Lucy wrote: 'Honestly lost for words. Pictured: Lucy and Jay Lucy posted a tribute to Jay last night, describing him as the 'happiest person in the room' after a body was found in an 'inaccessible' area near the village of Masca Jay's friend Brad Hargreaves, who went on holiday with him and flew back last week, paid a poignant tribute on Instagram on Monday The post included a string of red broken hearts Brad Hargreaves said he spoke to Jay on the phone before he went missing While the Civil Guard said it had called off the official search after just 13 days, yesterday it was revealed that officials had been carrying on with the search, unbeknownst to anyone in a bid to stop internet sleuths from searching themselves. Jay Slater's family have been informed that human remains have been found in the mountainous area of the Spanish island after a body was found Part of the clip shows two members of the search team being winched out of the area by helicopter after the body had been found and recovered A 13-day search by police using drones, dogs and a helicopter failed to find any trace of Jay The £40-a-night remote Airbnb in the remote village of Masca where Jay spent his final hours before going missing Jay Slater's final Snapchat at 7.30am on Monday June 17, taken at remote Airbnb before he went missing Jay's mother Debbie Duncan and father Warren Slater leaving the Guardia Civil in Playa de las Americas on July 2 Jessica Rogers shared this image on social media of Jay with the caption: 'Will love you forever' Volunteers searching for Jay in Masca after the teenager went missing Former British army reservist Chris Pennington walks the Masca mountains with the Daily Mail's Fred Kelly in search of the teenager after he went missing Questions have been raised about what will happen to the money given by generous strangers after a body was found following a month of searching The search in the village of Masca, near Mr Slater's last-known location, took place in a steep rocky area, including ravines, trails and paths.

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