Mike Lindell ally reveals he is 'losing everything' — and then breaks down crying
Raw StorySherronna Bishop spoke to the Turning Point Action conference about what she described as the horrific life that Mike Lindell has been plagued with after he attacked large companies claiming they "stole" the 2020 election. Bishop purported to be part of the "Lindell team," telling the audience she's close enough to the pillow magnate that she too "was raided with the battering ram." Bishop was accused of leaking personal information and voter data from Mesa County, Colorado, and handing it over to QAnon conspiracy theorists, reported Colorado Public Radio in Nov. 2021. That alleged data theft got the FBI involved, which is why her home was searched by what she called “large teams of heavily armed federal agents, using a battering ram to break down doors.” She described Lindell as "losing everything, to gain a country.