Netflix removes 13 Reasons Why controversial graphic suicide scene
India TodayTwo years after its premiere, Netflix has removed the controversial graphic suicide scene from the first season of the popular young adult drama, 13 Reasons Why. "So on the advice of medical experts, including Dr. Christine Moutier, Chief Medical Officer at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, we decided, along with creator Brian Yorkey and the producers of 13 Reasons Why, to edit the scene in which Hannah takes her life from season one," added the spokesperson. "But as we get ready to launch season three, we have heard concerns about the scene from Dr. Christine Moutier at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and others, and have agreed to re-edit it. The move has drawn support from a number of suicide-related organisations and professionals, including the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the American Association of Suicidology, the Trevor Project, Crisis Text Line, Mental Health America, American School Counselors Association, Dr. Ellen Wartella of Northwestern University, Dr. Helen Hsu of Stanford University and Dr. Rebecca Hedrick of Cedars-Sinai, who released a joint statement regarding the new edit.