Can a childless friend give parenting advice? in Care and Feeding.
SlateCare and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. —Wanting to Help Dear Wanting, I know you mean well, but there is absolutely zero chance that your friend doesn’t already know that “if the parents operated on the same page and supported each other,” things might possibly be easier. Dear Care and Feeding, We are parents of an only child who is 8 years old, kind, funny, and a bit on the spectrum so doesn’t always pick up on social cues. Yesterday, when the neighbor boy was over, I overheard him tell my son, “My father doesn’t like that you make random sounds.” It’s true my son does have a vocal tic when he gets excited. Dear Care and Feeding, It must be fate that I found your column right when I’m trying a different approach with my parenting.
History of this topic

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