Sanders touts "uplifting" book on "Fox & Friends," even though it chronicles struggles against "mob"
4 years, 11 months ago

Sanders touts "uplifting" book on "Fox & Friends," even though it chronicles struggles against "mob"


Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders promised that her memoir would be an "uplifting story" to the co-hosts of "Fox & Friends," even though it will take on such topics as "being attacked by the liberal mob" and getting "kicked out of restaurants." "It's a story of the kind of historic presidency that we have all been a part of, but I got a front row seat of two and a half years working side by side with the president, sitting in the Situation Room across the table from Kim Jong-Un," Sanders told "Fox & Friends." Though the book will clearly air Snders' grieveances with the media — the co-hosts of "Fox & Friends" made light of CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta, whose press pass was temporarily revoked under Sanders — she promises it will be an triumphant chronicle of history. "And I think it's the first really inside account of what's taken place over the last two and a half years inside the Trump White House."

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