Wall Street Bonuses to Jump by Double Digits at Biggest Banks
Live Mint-- Atop Wall Street’s largest investment banks, executives are locking in plans to award traders and dealmakers their biggest bonus increases since the pandemic, with 10% hikes — or more — coming for many desks, according to people briefed on the plans. At Bank of America Corp., that’s the average increase in store for investment bankers and traders handling stocks and fixed-income products, people with direct knowledge of the decisions said, asking not to be named discussing personnel matters. Compensation consultants have predicted for months that investment bankers, traders and asset- and wealth-management professionals would see double-digit increases this round — potentially exceeding 20% in certain lines of business inside broader divisions. See Those Estimates: Wall Street Bonuses Set to Grow for First Time Since 2021 --With assistance from Sridhar Natarajan and Todd Gillespie.