6 homeschooling tips and tricks for parents amid Covid-19 pandemic
India TodayCovid-19 has raised questions that weren't there before. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 wants every child to be in school, but if somebody decides not to send his/her children to school, the Government does not interfere. ; Square Panda, offers a comprehensive learning system i.e foundational early learning games, multi-sensory playsets, homeschooling kits and early reading app, as well as provides multiple learning resources free, on their website. You can create a perfectly blended learning atmosphere; children need only spend about 10-15 minutes a day with their online educational games, after which, learning is reinforced using fun little physical activities. Authored by Neha Shah, Head-Curriculum, at Square Panda India Read: 3 ways parents can keep children physically, mentally active amid Covid-19 pandemic Read: Unlock 5: Why work from home is the new normal?