Trump Orders Meatpacking Plants To Stay Open
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING President Donald Trump has invoked the Defense Production Act to force meat processing plants operated by Tyson Foods and other major suppliers to stay open even as the coronavirus spreads among workers. The president’s executive order, signed Tuesday evening, hands oversight powers to the Department of Agriculture “to determine the proper nationwide priorities and allocation of all the materials, services, and facilities necessary to ensure the continued supply of meat and poultry.” A number of facilities that process beef, chicken and pork products have closed in recent weeks due to the hundreds of workers who have contracted COVID-19. The union said Tuesday that if Trump wants to order plants to stay open, the White House needs to ramp up COVID-19 testing and require other safety precautions on the processing lines. The union said the White House should order meat producers to provide adequate paid leave and protective equipment, while also mandating social distancing measures inside plants.