Humpbacks spotted off NSW coast as whale watchers adapt to COVID-19
ABCHumpback whales have already been spotted off the New South Wales east coast as they move to warmer northern waters. Key points: Whale watching operators kick off for the June long weekend The ORRCA Census Day is planned for June 28 The humpback whale population could be around 40,000 this year But this year's annual migration may be a different experience for whale watchers, with COVID-19 social distancing restrictions meaning there could be fewer boats on the water. Anyone can start to operate from June 1, as long as they adhere to safe social distancing, which is going to make it hard for a lot of operators, said Go Whale Watching's Simon Millar. "At the moment we could technically be running with 10 people if we wanted, but come the 1st of June they've released the numbers up to 50 with 4 square metre social distancing," he said. "And then again you've got the June-July school holidays — they're massive for whale watching — that's a really peak time in the northern migration for the whales."