A Whole Lot Of Improv: Southwest Readjusts To A World Without The Boeing 737 Max
NPRA Whole Lot Of Improv: Southwest Readjusts To A World Without The Boeing 737 Max Enlarge this image toggle caption Wade Goodwyn/NPR Wade Goodwyn/NPR Enveloped in soft, blue, dim LED light, Southwest Airlines Network Operations Center in Dallas looks a little like a Hollywood set piece on a science-fiction film. That day in March when the Federal Aviation Administration said, "Park all your Maxes right now," demanded a whole lot of improv. Southwest has kept its 35 Boeing 737 Maxes off its base schedule through Labor Day, although that is almost certain to be extended into the fall. Enlarge this image toggle caption LM Otero/AP LM Otero/AP "And our team that that does the schedule planning was able to then kind of erase those planes off the books, come out with the new schedule that came out let's say April 8," he said.