A gunman slaughtered 11 Jewish worshippers. Then people hunted for hate online
CNNEditor’s Note: This article addresses hateful language that, while upsetting to many, is necessary to report what we found. But Googling “I hate Jews” takes you to a variety of pages ranging from a Wikipedia entry about self-hating Jews to an article about a Vice co-founder, who left the company more than a decade ago, launching into a rant about Jews in a post titled “10 things I Hate About Jews.” Among the articles also are comments from President Donald Trump telling Republican donors that Democrats “hate Jewish people.” As you dive deeper into the search results of Google, the articles become less mainstream and more offensive. Audrey Jacobs Many posts lamented “how few” Jews were killed in both Pittsburgh and Poway, reducing human lives to a “score.” Worshipper Lori Kaye was killed in the Poway attack. ADL CEO: Put hatred back in the sewer where it belongs There was also a large amount of general white supremacist posts, such as “KILL THEM ALL.” But most common was a declaration by many posters that it was actually Jewish people who carried out the attacks on other Jews to gain support in society and provide cover for other alleged nefarious activity. Joanna Mendelson, a senior researcher for the ADL’s Center on Extremism, calls 4chan and 8chan the “lion’s den of hate.” “White supremacists are weaponizing hate,” Mendelson, says.