Madras High Court Grants Injunction In Favour Of Sangeetha Hotels, Restrains Former Franchisee From Using “Geetham” And Similar Marks
1 year, 5 months ago

Madras High Court Grants Injunction In Favour Of Sangeetha Hotels, Restrains Former Franchisee From Using “Geetham” And Similar Marks

Live Law  

The Madras High Court has recently granted an ad-interim injunction in favour of Sangeetha Hotel chain, thus restraining its former franchisee from using marks like 'GEETHAM', 'GEETHAM VEG', 'SANGEETHAM', or any GEETHAM or SANGEETHA formative marks or such similar marks. Sangeetha had approached the court contending that the name “Geetham” adopted by the respondents, with whom they formerly had a franchise agreement, was visually, phonetically and aurally similar to the applicant's trademark Sangeetha. However, even before the discussion regarding surrender, the respondents had made applications to register their marks with the name “Geetham” and had later went on to open new outlets with name similar to that of Sangeetha. Further, though the respondents claimed that Sangeetha had permitted them to set up a new unit, the court noted that the minutes clearly expressed their refusal to grant permission.

History of this topic

Madras HC to decide whether former Sangeetha franchisees can continue to operate under the trademark Geetham
1 year, 5 months ago

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