Domestic terrorism expert fears new wave of right-wing violence
Raw StoryALBANY, NY — Just in time for the midterm postmortem, terrorism expert and professor Victor Asal has completed the scary task of deep diving into menacing rabbit holes. START counted groups with a radical anti-government stance from 1948 to 2018 and found 977 far-right radicals with 511 Islamist groups a distant second followed by a puny 374 far-left groups and 364 that embrace only one issue, like abortion. It would look strange and the goals would be different from our Civil War, as Brookings Institution scholars Darrell West and William Gale observed in "Is the U.S. headed toward another Civil War?" Interestingly, Asal found that in the Middle East, radical anti-government organizations are less likely to turn to violence against civilians if women are members of the organization.
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