A.P. Health Minister calls for guidelines for timely resolution of disciplinary proceedings
2 days, 4 hours ago

A.P. Health Minister calls for guidelines for timely resolution of disciplinary proceedings

The Hindu  

Minister for Health, Medical Education and Family Welfare Y. Satya Kumar Yadav Wednesday called for reforms in disciplinary proceedings and said guidelines should be formulated to ensure their timely conclusion. The charges were that the officer violated administrative and financial rules and procedures in sanctioning civic works, prepared excessive budget estimates and committed irregularities in preparing seniority lists of civil engineers of the APVVP. Subsequently, the fifth Inquiry Officer initially held that while the three charges against the officer had not been proved, a penalty must be imposed on him based on audit observations. Taking into the account the Lokayukta’s directions and the protracted inquiry that caused agony to the officer, the Minister directed the officials concerned that the proceedings against the officer be closed.

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