Alien Nation: After coronavirus, the UK’s former colonies won’t need us
The IndependentThe best of Voices delivered to your inbox every week - from controversial columns to expert analysis Sign up for our free weekly Voices newsletter for expert opinion and columns Sign up to our free weekly Voices newsletter SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Discussions about Britain’s place in the world began as part of our never-ending Brexit saga, but if the way we handled that didn’t expose us, then our handling of coronavirus certainly will. I said: “It strikes me that as a country we cannot begin to fulfil the idea of global Britain until we first address the historic injustices of the British empire, injustices including slavery and colonialism; first, because it is the right thing to do, but also because we may soon find ourselves out in the cold if we do not.” The one thing that I agree with ardent Brexiteers on is that Commonwealth countries could be our most fruitful trading partners after Brexit. Coronavirus is exposing a truth that should give advocates of Global Britain pause for thought: “they” do not need “us”. Countries in the global south have their own nationalists and every one of them will tell you that their achievements are in spite of Britain’s atrocities, not because of aid or the “privilege” of being colonised.