美国德州85名婴儿感染新冠 18州被划为“红色区域”
China DailyDozens of babies infected by coronavirus in Texas as state struggles to contain the spread 在美国新冠肺炎每日确诊人数继续增多的同时,美国德克萨斯州某县有85名婴儿确诊感染新冠肺炎。另据一份尚未正式发布的报告,美国有18个州因新冠疫情蔓延迅速而被划为疫情“红色区域”,报告建议这些州应暂停经济重启活动。 Children play outside at Farmington Family YMCA summer camp, amid the coronavirus disease outbreak, in Farmington Hills, Michigan, US, June 23, 2020. 自2007年起就在急诊室工作的哈多克医生说:“我从来没有见过新冠肺炎暴发导致的这般景象。我们竭尽全力,但我们不是专门的重症监护室。” Patients are waiting "hours and hours" to get admitted, she said, and the least sick people are lying in beds in halls to make room for most seriously ill. 她说,病人要等上“好几个小时”才能入院,而病情最轻的病人则躺在大厅的床上,为病情最严重的病人腾出地方。 Texas was one of the first states to reopen following a nationwide shutdown implemented to contain the virus. Eighteen US states were this week classified as being in the “red zone” — areas reporting 100 new cases per 100,000 people per week. 德克萨斯州并不是唯一一个努力遏制病毒传播的州。本周,美国18个州被划定为“红色区域”,这些州每周新增病例达到每10万人100例。 According to a leaked document, which was prepared by the White House coronavirus task force and obtained by the Washington, DC-based nonprofit Centre for Public Integrity, the classification requires those areas to implement stricter public health measures to stop the spread.