Woman’s Remark On ‘Pleasing Herself’ Lands Her In Trouble; Here’s What Internet Is Saying
News 18Maintaining the correct decorum at work is extremely important. So when a woman opened up about her “pleasing herself” to a male co-worker when her husband was away, it landed her in troubled waters. Surprising the woman, John agreed to her confession and said that she might be “a bit pent up with husband gone for that long.” Since she was comfortable with John, the woman replied “I know exactly how to please myself when my husband is away.” That’s when things changed between the duo with John reportedly getting “awkward and uncomfortable” at her answer. But to add to the surprise, the company’s HR called the woman for a meeting, calling her behaviour “ridiculous.” The HR also forbade the woman from talking to John further. Quoting John’s statement where he himself told the woman that she might be “pent-up” one user wrote, “And this man has the gall to complain about YOU???
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