Sebi changes formats for limited review, audit reports
India TV NewsRegulator Sebi on Friday tweaked the formats for limited review and audit report of listed entities in order to align it with the revised auditing standards. Providing new formats for audit report and limited review report in the circular, Sebi said that in view of revision in auditing standards by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, "audit report formats need to be aligned with SA 700 ". "This circular shall be applicable with respect to the financial results for the quarter ending September 30, 2019, and after," Sebi said. In March this year, Sebi came out with procedure and formats to be followed for limited review and audit report of listed entities after a new sub-regulation was inserted in the LODR norms which requires the statutory auditor of a listed entity to undertake a limited review of the audit of all the entities or companies whose accounts are to be consolidated with the listed entity as per the Accounting Standard 21.