Divi’s Lab resumes pipeline work along Uppada coast of A.P. amid concerns over pollution and livelihood
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Divi’s Lab resumes pipeline work along Uppada coast of A.P. amid concerns over pollution and livelihood

The Hindu  

Divi’s Laboratories Limited has begun laying a pipeline to draw seawater for desalination and release the processed water back to the sea for its ₹600-crore pharma unit being set up along the Uppada coast in Kakinada district. In a joint press conference attended by fisherfolk representing the project-affected families on February 3, Kakinada Collector S. Shan Mohan said, “The Divi’s Laboratories Limited will lay a 1500-metre-long pipeline at six-metre depth for desalination purposes The work commenced on February 3 and expected to complete within a week”. Compensation demanded Fisherfolk representatives Koda Venkata Ramana and Chokka Kasi Visweswara Rao put the demands of the 16 villages before the State government, claiming that nearly 2,000 fisherfolk depending on marine fishing would lose livelihoods due to ‘marine pollution caused by the project’. “The talks on the demands of 16 fisherfolk villages will soon be held with the higher authorities and the management of Divi’s Laboratories Limited,” said the Collector.

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