Artificial intelligence helps detect sepsis in Sydney emergency departments
ABCWhen Carol Clark was diagnosed with sepsis, a potentially deadly condition caused by her body's response to a foot infection, her future was touch and go. "This is the first sepsis alert system to be built for Australian emergency departments," he said. ED Sepsis Alert The artificial intelligence program is called ED Sepsis Alert, and runs on computers located in the emergency departments at the Westmead, Blacktown, Auburn and Mount Druitt hospitals. "As the information is being input into the patient's file or health record, this program is picking up whether this person is at risk of sepsis and gets the clinician alerted to that fact so they can start treatment, like antibiotics, earlier," Associate Professor Gunja said. "It's things like the problem that they come in with, heart rate, blood pressure, whether they have elevated blood results in terms of high bloody acid or low blood bicarbonate," Associate Professor Gunja said.