Melbourne renter begs for advice after discovering landlord living in her garden shed
3 years, 6 months ago

Melbourne renter begs for advice after discovering landlord living in her garden shed

Daily Mail  

A renter got more than she bargained for when she discovered her landlord was living in the garden shed of her newly leased property. The woman took to Fairy Floss, a Facebook real estate group for metropolitan Melbourne, asking its 267,500 members for advice about the bizarre scenario. But when the renter demanded her landlord sign a contract confirming he would leave the shed in 45 days, he changed his mind and said he needed to stay for three months. A renter took to Fairy Floss, a Facebook real estate group for metropolitan Melbourne, asking its 267,500 members for advice after discovering her landlord was living in her garden shed The woman said she was afraid to notify the real estate agency in case they cancelled the contract which would leave her homeless. The woman said she was afraid to notify the real estate agency in case they cancelled the contract which would leave her homeless Others urged the woman to contact her real estate agent and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal first thing on Monday morning.

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