How to avoid living in a 'lemon' — what you need to know before buying in the next Opal Tower
ABCIf you buy a used car you get a service history. Today, it was revealed another building in Zetland had sat empty since late last year after extensive water damage made it non-compliant under NSW fire codes. Chamber Russell Lawyers partner and residential construction dispute expert Paul Jurdeczka said his best advice was to find a "reputable builder". Three buildings, three evacuations Residents from 30 apartments in a studio-style complex in Zetland were evacuated eight months ago after "extensive and severe water damage" made the building non-compliant under state fire codes. For prospective buyers, industry experts suggest the following advice: Look for a sinking-fund forecast in the strata report, plus any planned or completed remedial works For existing apartment complexes, conduct a body corporate records search The search should outline recent annual meetings and information on the sinking fund and any planned and completed capital works projects Find the builders' previous projects and go and inspect them in person Don't buy an apartment in a complex more than three-floors high Have an independent building inspection completed Ms Stiles said the OCN also suggested buying an apartment more than 10 years old.