Feminism Done Right!
Deccan ChronicleEvery other month, ardent feminist and literature buffs meet at the Sanskaari Girls Book Club for a fun night of exchanging literature and more. Vandita Morarka is the Founder and CEO of One Future Collective, a feminist youth led NGO under which the book club runs and the idea conceptualised by Vandita and Nishma Jethwa, Program Director and Feminist Justice at One Future Collective. Speaking about her motive for the book club Vandita says, “Spread in six different states for now and conducting sessions every other month, the club focuses on South Asian feminist authors which is not otherwise common even in feminist spaces and reading clubs. The club also tries to focus on regional works and their translations.” Speaking about several ways for those interested to get in touch and participate in their dialogues Vandita says, “The club has a running curated crowd-sourced book list and follows a general way of suggesting books on city WhatsApp groups.