QUENTIN LETTS: I thought Jeremy Hunt was making saucer eyes at your sketch writer... but his wife was sitting right behind me!
Daily MailJeremy Hunt shot off the diving board with an unorthodox, rather endearing honeypot. At first I thought the rascal was making saucer eyes at your sketchwriter but it turned out that Mrs Hunt, accompanied by their three young pups in school uniform, was sitting almost directly behind me. In Mr Hunt's case it was himself; in Sir Keir's case it was J. Corbyn, at whose mention Starmerites shield their eyes and brandish garlic bulbs. Even Mr Hunt admitted that one allegedly crucial cut was to a levy 'most people have never heard of'. Lucia Hunt, wife of Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, was accompanied by their three young pups in school uniform Mr Hunt admitted that one allegedly crucial cut was to a levy 'most people have never heard of' A couple of Scots Nats started pogo-sticking with crossness.