Why India’s women VCs get a raw deal
Live MintBengaluru/ Mumbai: In July 2019, a woman investor at a well-known venture capital firm joined one of her male colleagues at the Delhi office of a millionaire to convince him to invest in their fund. “Working styles are different across gender so it’s good to have diversity in thinking—it leads to more balanced decision-making,” said Ruchira Shukla, regional lead for IFC’s venture capital practice. “Most male partners at funds occasionally talk about wanting to hire more women, but you don’t see them doing much about it,” said a senior woman investor requesting anonymity. Women investors say that apart from the weak institutional action by funds to seek more women candidates, the venture capital industry also has an image problem which restricts the number of women candidates: it is considered a very “masculine” space. “It’s intimidating when you’re a newcomer.” In this male-dominated environment, what makes networking tougher for women is that by inclination many male investors prefer engaging with other men.