Your Burning 'Watchmen' Premiere Questions, Answered
5 years, 2 months ago

Your Burning 'Watchmen' Premiere Questions, Answered

Huff Post  

LOADING ERROR LOADING Sunday night marked the start of HBO’s “Watchmen,” meaning “huhs?” are coming. It’s very much a remix of the story as it mostly focuses on new characters in the same universe, such as cop colleagues Angela Abar, aka Sister Night, and Looking Glass, who battle the white supremacist group the Seventh Kavalry in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Despite the emphasis on new characters and Lindelof’s recent interview with Rolling Stone — in which he said he even expected people with knowledge of the comics to be confused ― there are a number of anomalies in the “Watchmen” universe that could be explained with a little comic book background. In that chat, the series creator talked about the Victims Of Racial Violence legislation that Redford helped pass, granting victims and their families reparations, crudely referred to in the show as “Redford-ations.” This is, according to Lindelof, “a lifetime tax exemption for victims of, and the direct descendants of, designated areas of racial injustice throughout America’s history.” With the show taking place in Tulsa, the victims of the Tulsa Race Massacre would benefit from the legislation.

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