Critic’s Notebook: ‘Parks and Recreation’ finale: ‘Find your team’
10 years ago

Critic’s Notebook: ‘Parks and Recreation’ finale: ‘Find your team’

LA Times  

A story about people who love one another made by people who clearly love one another, “Parks and Recreation” ended its seven-season, zigzag run through prime time Tuesday night on NBC. In the final shot, star Amy Poehler, as public servant Leslie Knope, faced the camera, all aglow, and addressed Leslie’s future and perhaps her own: “I’m ready,” she said. Written by Poehler and series co-creator Mike Schur, the finale was, as finales often are, a kind of metaphor for the moment: “We need to celebrate everything we’ve done as a group,” Leslie says to her co-workers, a character talking to characters and an actor talking to actors as all are about to part. “The best prize life has to offer is a chance to work hard at work worth doing,” Leslie says near the finale’s end, quoting Theodore Roosevelt.

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