Disability advocates welcome next step in setting up royal commission
6 years ago

Disability advocates welcome next step in setting up royal commission


A royal commission into the mistreatment of disabled Australians is one step closer, with the Federal Government unveiling a draft terms of reference today. Key points: Around one in five Australians have a disability The scope of the royal commission is close to being finalised, and experts have praised its inclusiveness The federal election could delay the commission being established The public will have just two weeks to give feedback on the scope and details of the proposed inquiry as the Coalition tries to finalise it before calling an election. "It looks to me as if they have pretty well covered off the areas people are concerned about," Disability Advocacy Network Australia chief executive Mary Mallett said. With the federal election due to be called shortly after submissions on the draft terms of reference close, Mr Fletcher said he could not guarantee the royal commission would be established before the Government goes into caretaker mode. If you or anyone you know needs help Lifeline 13 11 14 Mens Line 1300 789 978 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732 National Counselling and Referral Service 1800 421 468 or 02 6146 1468 Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123 Find a disability advocate near you While the royal commission will make a number of recommendations, it will take some time and Greens senator Jordon Steele-John said action is needed now to protect people with disabilities.

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