WHITE SPACE | The art of foraging: How indigenous people can be the influencers we need
1 year, 5 months ago

WHITE SPACE | The art of foraging: How indigenous people can be the influencers we need

The Hindu  

Published : Oct 05, 2023 11:00 IST - 6 MINS READ In the twilight hours of an April evening, my friend Raiphanga and I were travelling by scooter from Nutun Bazar to Bumrachera village under Amarpur subdivision in Gomati district, Tripura. Foraging is an intrinsic part of the food and knowledge systems of certain indigenous communities, especially in the northeastern region. “Usually foraging and fishing trips are done by women in a group, mostly in the afternoons, when the regular household chores are over.” For instance, palm oil cultivation, rubber and tea plantations, an increase in monoculture, and in ecologically insensitive infrastructure projects have created dents in the forest ecosystem, displaced communities, and invited natural disasters. Highlights Foraging is an intrinsic part of the food and knowledge systems of certain indigenous communities, especially in the north-eastern region. In its 2021 report, “Indigenous peoples’ food systems”, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization identified eight indigenous societies and their food systems as sustainable and resilient in the face of climate change.

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