Nelson Mandela: A Prophet of Reconciliation
Live MintIt would be inaccurate to search for a Mahatma Gandhi or a Martin Luther King, Jr., in Nelson Mandela. However, what Nelson Mandela as a political and moral leader made possible for humanity was to extend and expand our capacity to rethink politics in terms of an ethics of empathy, a politics of forgiveness and a revolution of values in South Africa. Mandela’s life experience speaks clearly for itself: the transformation of Mandela himself and that of the South African society went hand in hand. Either as an activist, as a prisoner or as a leader in government, Nelson Mandela remained intensely conscious of his moral and political responsibilities as a man in search for excellence. That is why, then, there were certainly moments and phases in Mandela’s life when his character as a moral leader and as a democratic hero came closer to the Gandhian ideal of a nonviolent Satyagrahi.