Sex isn’t binary, and we should stop acting like it is
SalonThis story originally appeared on Massive Science, an editorial partner site that publishes science stories by scientists. In fact, many people’s bodies possess a combination of physical characteristics typically thought of as “male” or “female.” As one example, some people with androgen insensitivity have XY chromosomes, internal testes, and external female genitalia. It’s also true that some people with XX chromosomes develop typically male reproductive systems, and some people with XY chromosomes develop typically female reproductive systems. Laws and social attitudes can make it difficult for intersex, transgender, and non-binary people to receive adequate healthcare services, participate in sports, and be protected from discrimination.A complicating problem is that doctors can lack experience treating bodies that are neither male nor female, making it harder for them to understand their patients’ needs. If—instead of recommending that children with DSD be raised as either male or female—doctors educated patients and parents about the sex spectrum, it would help people feel accepted in their bodies and change attitudes about what’s normal.
History of this topic

Court: Politicians must decide how to handle non-binary gender registration
NL Times
Biological sex 'not as binary as often presented', says Jo Swinson
The Telegraph
Why I had the gender on my birth certificate changed to non-binary
The Independent
Trump’s efforts to redefine gender and sex
National Review Laverne Cox story: The science of sex and transgenderism.
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