Bharat Bandh against SC/ST Act: Upper-caste protesters stop trains, block highways across North India
FirstpostTwo Bihar politicians, JD leader Shyam Rajak and Madhepura MP Rajesh Ranjan, faced angry mobs while travelling. Patna/Lucknow/Bhopal: Protesters stopped trains and blocked highways in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh and shopkeepers downed shutters in some other northern states during a Bharat Bandh Thursday against the recent amendment to the SC/ST Act. Shops, schools and other commercial establishments were closed in parts of Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab but the shutdown call by anti-reservation bodies had little impact elsewhere in the country. In Chhindwara, the Lok Sabha constituency of Madhya Pradesh Congress chief Kamal Nath, markets remained shut.“Local residents wore black clothes in protest and business establishments remained shut,” Vyapari Sangh president Mahesh Chandak said. I pray that we all progress and no one should try to disrupt the peace in the state.” In Uttar Pradesh, chief minister Yogi Adityanath said, “People have their feelings.