UK tabloid The Sun responds to criticism against article on JK Rowling's ex-husband; says it did not glorify domestic abuse
FirstpostThe article around JK Rowling’s ex-husband and the headline sparked outrage among campaigners who have long pushed the media to exercise care in reporting on domestic violence. London: The Sun newspaper said on 12 June it did not intend to “glorify” domestic violence by giving a platform to Harry Potter author JK Rowling’s ex-husband just days after she revealed she had been a victim of domestic abuse. “It was certainly not our intention to ‘enable’ or ‘glorify’ domestic abuse, our intention was to expose a perpetrator’s total lack of remorse.″ The newspaper reported that Rowling’s first husband, Jorge Arantes, said he didn’t care about her admission this week that she had been a survivor of domestic abuse. “What this has done is give national media coverage to a perpetrator of domestic abuse to attempt to justify his actions.’’ Press regulator Ipso said it had received more than 500 complaints.