Victoria's roadmap for eased coronavirus restrictions includes details on childcare and schools. What's in store for term 4?
4 years, 4 months ago

Victoria's roadmap for eased coronavirus restrictions includes details on childcare and schools. What's in store for term 4?


The plan for reopening early childhood education and schools makes up a major part of the Victorian Government's roadmap for reopening the state. In regional Victoria, all year levels can start their staged return to on-site learning the following week, starting on October 12, with all the relevant safety measures in place, including things like enhanced cleaning and rules around face masks. As Premier Daniel Andrews said, it means term 4 in regional Victoria will "pretty well … unfold as it normally would". "In terms of grade 3 to year 10 … we aim to try to get kids back, but that has got to be done safely and it can't be done in a way that would ultimately put at risk all the other goals, all the other goals of getting the place open by the time we get to Christmas," Premier Daniel Andrews said. Until the Government is satisfied that the "COVID normal" threshold has been reached, every step of the staged reopening includes some degree of remote learning.

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