Kerala plans to shut down MVD check-posts
6 hours, 56 minutes ago

Kerala plans to shut down MVD check-posts

The Hindu  

In view of the increasing incidents of corruption and irregularities at the inter-State check-posts manned by the Motor Vehicles Department, the government is planning to shut down all the 19 MVD check-posts in Kerala and redeploy officials. The surprise raids carried out by the Vigilance and Anti Corruption Bureau at the MVD check-posts in Palakkad from January 10 to 13 yielded ₹3.26 lakh in unaccounted money. Nagaraju said, “We are considering the proposal of winding up all the check-posts in the State as there is no need for them now with the introduction of e-way bills and virtual check-posts by the GST department.” The vigilance raid had brought in a bad image for the department and discussions were on at the top level to close down the check-posts, he said. All check-posts across the State went digital in 2022 with the MVD switching to an online module for issuing permits and collecting fees online.

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