Flying high with his dreams
China DailyYang Ji, founder of Wanyang Zhenqin, a breeding center for rare birds in Qianwei village on Chongming Island, Shanghai, raises around 1,500 avians, many of which are rare or endangered species. As the founder of Wanyang Zhenqin, a breeding center for rare birds in Qianwei village on Chongming Island, the 39-year-old raises around 1,500 avians, many of which are rare species that were imported from abroad, as well as endangered ones like the hornbill, the Chinese pheasant and the Canadian cape barren goose. According to Yang, the center has three species of birds on the national first-tier protected-animal list, and around 20 species are on the second-tier list. Yang made a career switch in 2006 and started working at a chicken farm to learn the ropes about breeding birds before he opened his first breeding center in Pudong a few years later.