Digital dilemma
Deccan ChronicleIn dis wrld of txtng n postng, wt hpnd 2 englsh? Sometimes,even as professionalsworking in a corporate environment, we don’t care about this until we send external e-mails in that language, which could be frowned upon. Maintaining general restraint and a little attention to detail will balance the use of language rather than getting buried by this new, broken-wordstyle of communication.” Tegite Sagma, sales co-ordinator in a company, has faced this too. And there’s some hope, as even though everyone on the Internet is using such broken language,the more articulate youngsters of this generation are not only using smarter ways to reinvent their language but also adding rich layers to it. Only in certain cases, where checks like examinations, official e-mails or presentations do not allow informal language, standards have to be adhered to.” Is this the beginning of the end of language as we know it?