Thawing Tundra Is Now a Carbon Source in Fast-Warming Arctic
Live Mint-- The 10 hottest years on record have all occurred within the past decade, with 2024 likely to be the warmest yet. “It’s not just that the Arctic is warming just like the rest of the world,” said Rich Thoman, a climate scientist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. “Because of these changes in the frozen environment, we’re seeing this acceleration.” Thoman is co-editor of the 19th Arctic Report Card, a compilation of work from scientists around the world released Tuesday by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. One of the most worrying findings in this year’s report is that the interaction between Arctic wildfires — which are becoming more frequent and severe — and thawing permafrost has for the first time erased the beneficial role of the Arctic tundra as a carbon sink, turning it into a net source of CO2. That doesn’t mean the region has stabilized under human-caused warming, the report stresses: “Projections of climate change for the next several decades are clear: change will continue.” More stories like this are available on bloomberg.com
History of this topic

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