These small business owners got Paycheck Protection loans, but they’re afraid to use the money
CNNMany small business owners who received loans from the federal Paycheck Protection Program say the program’s rules are forcing them to make a difficult decision: Either take on more debt or spend money in ways that don’t actually benefit their business. Courtesy Rick Schumtzler If the business doesn’t spend the money according to the rules, they must pay back whatever portion of the loan isn’t forgiven at a 1% interest rate over two years. “But I’m not going to do something that is dumb for the business.” Kurt Huffman, who owns the restaurant group ChefStable in Oregon, sees the PPP loan as a welcome lifeline but says the eight-week window to qualifyfor forgiveness is much too tight for restaurants. But that decision means he’ll have to pay back whatever portion of the loan he doesn’t spend in the first eight weeks, plus interest.