Japan’s New Gambit to Deter China: Intermediate-Range Missiles
The DiplomatThe Japanese Ministry of Defense has decided to begin mass production of an extended-range version of the domestically developed Type 12 Surface-to-Ship Missile in fiscal year 2023 in a bid to bolster its defense against China’s increasing military capabilities, according to the ministry’s budget request released on August 31. Although the Chinese government often accuses Japan of a military buildup by saying “Japan should remember its past wrongs and should not go toward remilitarization,” China’s foreign and defense ministries had not responded to the latest news report as of writing. “Some analysts have linked this news to the Japanese right-wing hype that ‘if there is something in Taiwan, there is something in Japan.’” It added, “The Japanese government's usual method has been exposed, which is, seeking to upgrade its armaments by hyping ‘security threats.’” “Whether the missile is carried on upcoming new ‘Aegis-equipped’ ships, or more than a thousand long-range cruise missiles are deployed on the southwestern islands, Japan uses it for an excuse to obtain ‘counterattack capabilities’ to enhance deterrence,” the Global Times said. China’s threats gained added momentum after the Chinese military for the first time launched five ballistic missiles into Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone near Okinawa Prefecture on August 4 during a massive military drill aimed at Taiwan.