Flu vaccine 2018: Do you need it and when should you get it?
ABCIt's nearly time to roll up your sleeve, brace yourself for a small prick, and hope the nurse or doctor offers you a lollypop for your troubles. This includes: Pregnant women People aged 65 years and older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged six months to five years Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and older People aged six months and over with medical conditions that mean they have a higher risk of getting serious disease Several state and territory governments are also offering free flu jabs to children between six months and five years old, including in New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and the ACT. "Generally, the peak flu season is around July and August, but it's variable — sometimes it can start in May, and sometimes the peak happens in September," Professor MacIntyre said. "To improve the protection in older people, the Government's introduced two new vaccines just for people 65 years and over, which are more potent than the regular flu vaccine," Professor MacIntyre said. "So the vaccine that you get this year won't necessarily protect you against the different virus that may be circulating next year," Professor MacIntyre said.
History of this topic

Here's Exactly How Long It Takes To Get Sick After Being Exposed To The Flu
Huff Post
Chennai, Mumbai on high alert for flu: What you need to know
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Revealed: The common medications that make your flu shot less effective
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Don’t wait for a holiday surge. Now is a good time to get your flu and COVID-19 vaccines
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Should YOU have a flu jab? As up to half the country are offered it, read our ultimate guide to whether it's worth it - and how to make it work better if you do get it
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What to know about the available Covid-19, flu and RSV vaccines
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Here's Exactly When You Should Get Your COVID, Flu And RSV Shots
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How to avoid illness as COVID-19 and the flu surge
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Why getting your Covid-19 and flu jab is crucial this winter
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Do I need a flu jab? TV’s Dr Hilary answers all our winter vaccine questions
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The flu season is approaching. Are you prepared? Here's what doctor suggests
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It’s flu vaccine time and seniors need revved-up shots
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It's flu vaccine time and seniors need revved-up shots
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Op-Ed: You might need a COVID booster yearly. But this virus is still nothing like the flu
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Your questions about flu season and vaccines answered as a COVID winter looms
Flu is making a comeback in the U.S. after an unusual year off
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Where can I get the flu vaccine?
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It’s flu vaccine time, even if you’ve had your COVID shots
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It’s flu vaccine time, even if you’ve had your COVID shots
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This year’s flu vaccine effective against top influenza strains
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Flu shots: A pinch in the arm, but not always in your wallet
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